How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

In this video, Dr. Matthew Keider explains how proper care and maintenance can help porcelain veneers last for many years. If you are considering veneers or want tips on preserving your smile, schedule a free consultation today.

Porcelain veneers are designed to be long-lasting and, with proper care, can potentially last a lifetime. Their durability depends on maintaining good oral hygiene and taking care of them just as you would your natural teeth.

Regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings help preserve the integrity of your veneers and the underlying teeth. Avoiding habits such as biting on hard objects, chewing ice, or using your teeth as tools can also help prevent damage. Additionally, wearing a nightguard if you grind your teeth can further protect your veneers from excessive wear.

With proper maintenance and routine dental checkups, porcelain veneers can remain in excellent condition for many years, providing a lasting, natural-looking smile. If you have any questions about veneer care, we are happy to provide personalized recommendations to help you maintain them for as long as possible.

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