Your First Appointment: What to Expect

In this video, Dr. Matthew Keider walks you through the steps of your first visit to the office, from gathering insurance details to a comprehensive dental exam. Learn about the diagnostic evaluations, thorough examination, and personalized treatment options available—schedule your free consultation today to begin your journey toward a healthier smile.

When you arrive at our office, our staff will begin by gathering your information, including your dental insurance details. If you have insurance, we will contact your provider immediately to obtain a full coverage breakdown.

During your visit, we will provide any necessary diagnostic evaluations, such as X-rays or a 3D CBCT scan, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your dental health. One of the first questions I will ask is about your concerns—whether they are related to aesthetics, pain, or an issue you have been dealing with for years. Understanding your specific needs allows me to focus on providing the best possible care.

Your initial exam will be thorough and will include:

  • An evaluation of the soft tissues inside and outside of your mouth, including a TMJ assessment and an oral cancer screening
  • A detailed examination of your gums, gum tissue, and the bone supporting your teeth
  • A tooth-by-tooth evaluation to identify any dental concerns

After the examination, we will discuss the findings in detail. I believe in providing multiple treatment options whenever possible, as there is often more than one way to restore and maintain a healthy mouth. I will outline the advantages and disadvantages of each option, the estimated costs, the time required for treatment, and a written treatment plan for your review.

If you are looking for a dentist, I invite you to schedule an appointment. I would be happy to help you achieve and maintain a healthy smile.

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